Nerves Metal Detector

RPi 3 Model A+ - 512MB RAM

Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ with 512MB RAM
In Stock (#) Price Vendor Updated Links
$25.00 Adafruit (US)
(78) €26.90 BerryBase (DE)
(104) CZK 730.00 Botland (CZ)
(104) €28.90 Botland (DE)
(104) €29.90 Botland (EU)
(104) PLN 129.00 Botland (PL)
€27.69 Buyzero (DE)
(586) $25.00 Chicago Elec. Dist. (US)
(47) £27.98 Cool Components (UK)
(215) SEK 339.00 electro:kit (SE)
(188) PLN 119.00 Kamami (PL)
€27.82 MC Hobby (BE)
(596) €24.90 Melopero (IT)
£28.50 Pimoroni (UK)
CA$34.95 PiShop (CA)
CHF 25.90 Pi-Shop (CH)
$25.00 PiShop (US)
£27.76 Rapid (UK)
€25.95 RaspberryStore (NL)
€28.40 Reichelt (DE)
£24.00 The PiHut (UK)
€26.90 Welectron (DE)
€30.00 Kubii (FR)
DKK 229.00 RaspberryPi (DK)
€30.95 Tiendatec (ES)